Decentralized Storage

About Decentralized Storage

Decentralized storage is a data storage method based on blockchain technology that differs from traditional centralized storage. It doesn't rely on a single centralized server or data center to store and manage data. Instead, decentralized storage distributes data across multiple nodes in the network, with each node being a part of the network and participating in data storage and management.

In a decentralized storage system, data is typically encrypted, then divided into shards and replicated across various nodes to ensure data security and redundant backups. As data is distributed across multiple nodes in the network, the reliability and availability of data are enhanced. Even if some nodes experience failures or go offline, data can still be accessed from other nodes.

Key advantages of decentralized storage include:

  1. Security: Data is encrypted and dispersed, reducing the risk of hacking or tampering.

  2. Reliability: Multiple data backups and redundancy ensure data availability and persistence.

  3. Cost Reduction: Decentralized storage often utilizes shared resources, reducing storage and management costs.

  4. Privacy Protection: Data is encrypted and stored, granting users full control and safeguarding privacy.

  5. Censorship Resistance: Data's distribution across a distributed network makes it difficult to censor or block.

Applications of decentralized storage include file storage and sharing, storing video and audio content, data backup, cloud storage, blockchain data storage, and more. Several projects and platforms are developing and promoting decentralized storage technology, aiming to provide users with more secure, efficient, and private data storage solutions through the application of blockchain technology. However, decentralized storage also faces challenges such as performance and speed issues, requiring a careful consideration of pros and cons and the selection of suitable solutions based on specific needs.

About IPFS

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a novel decentralized distributed file storage protocol designed to address various issues in traditional internet-based file storage and transmission. It employs a unique content-addressing approach by hashing and encrypting file content, generating a unique identifier, making file storage and retrieval more efficient and reliable.

In the IPFS network, files are split into blocks and stored in multiple copies across nodes worldwide, achieving data redundancy and avoiding single points of failure. Users can quickly locate desired files through hash values and retrieve data from nearby nodes, significantly enhancing file transmission speed. Furthermore, IPFS supports incremental updates, only transferring changed portions, conserving bandwidth resources.

IPFS's decentralized nature enhances data storage security and privacy. Files no longer depend on central servers but are stored across multiple nodes, preventing single entities or individuals from controlling or manipulating data. IPFS also supports encrypted transmission and permission control, ensuring only authorized users can access and modify files.

Due to IPFS's open-source and scalability, it finds extensive applications in various fields. In the blockchain domain, IPFS is utilized for storing data related to decentralized applications (DApps) and the content of smart contracts, increasing system security and reliability. In the Internet of Things (IoT) sector, IPFS serves as infrastructure for data storage and transmission, offering efficient solutions for communication between devices.

How It's Used

Move Coin employs the IPFS network for storing NFT-related media files, ensuring the permanent existence of users' NFT assets.

NFT Resource Mirroring

Since IPFS isn't the most user-friendly for multiple accesses and browsing, for a better user experience, the server backend mirrors all NFT resources. What users see in the app is a mirrored file, while the original file is stored on the blockchain. Resource IDs are stored in smart contracts and cannot be changed. Resources themselves are stored on the IPFS network, accessible to anyone.

Last updated