
Move Move Coin is a solution initiated by the MMC Foundation in Singapore that utilizes Web3 technology to encourage and motivate nationwide physical fitness activities.

This platform operates as a token rewards and blockchain-driven system, allowing participation in token mining through devices like smartphones and smartwatches for activity monitoring. Additionally, users can enhance their mining power by purchasing virtual workout equipment from the NFT market to complement their exercises. Furthermore, individuals can boost their mining capabilities by acquiring tokens in secondary markets such as centralized exchanges and Uniswap, where tokens can be burned.

Special Note:

Move Move Coin is currently in its public testing phase, thus the contents of this whitepaper are subject to change in the future. Please keep track of any updates.


Token Abbreviation: MMC Energy Abbreviation: GAS Mining Power Unit (Calories): C (kcal), cal (cal) Conversion: 1 C = 1000 cal

Last updated